Mary Catherine Beach
Mary Catherine Beach, MD, MPH, is a Professor of Medicine in the School of Medicine, with a joint appointment in the Bloomberg School of Public Health, at Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Beach is a Core Faculty Member of the Berman Bioethics Institute and Welch Center for Prevention, Epidemiology, and Clinical Research. Dr. Beach received her B.A. from Barnard College, her MD from The Mount Sinai School of Medicine, and her MPH from Johns Hopkins. She has completed the Greenwall Fellowship in Bioethics and Health Policy as well as a fellowship in the Division of General Internal Medicine. In 2001, Dr. Beach was a Congressional Health Policy Fellow in the office of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, where she worked on such issues as the patients rights, mental health parity, human subject protection, genetic discrimination, human cloning and stem cell research. Dr. Beach is a past recipient of a Robert Wood Johnson Generalist Physician Faculty Scholar Award and a K-08 Award from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. She is currently conducting research on the theoretical foundations of respect and the impact of physician attitudes and patient-physician communication on patients in the primary care setting, in the treatment of HIV and substance abuse, and in the treatment of sickle cell disease.
Contact: mcbeach@jhmi.edu