Medicine, Science, & Humanities

STS+MH Hub Kick-Off
The spring semester kick-off meeting for the STS+MH Hub (formerly Collective Scholarship Working Group) will be Monday 1/27 from 6-7:30pm in Mergenthaler 266 on the Homewood campus. Dinner and drinks will be served. Please join us to celebrate a return to campus and plan for the semester ahead! The STS+MH Hub is a collegial biweekly gathering for emerging scholars (graduate students, postdocs, early-career […]

CFP: New Perspectives in the History of Child Health
**2024 Workshop and Special Issue: Call for Proposals** Call for paper proposals for an international workshop on child health history hosted at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, on June 21-22, 2024. There is support available for travel and lodging. The workshop is sponsored by: The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and the University of Fribourg In […]

Visual Histories of Humor and Health: A Virtual Symposium
Register here for this virtual event! Join us for this virtual symposium exploring visual histories of humor and health, organized by Christine Slobogin, Katie Snow, and Laura Cowley in collaboration with Johns Hopkins’s Center for Medical Humanities and Social Medicine. These discussions of medically adjacent art will examine the role that visual humor has had […]

Conference: Achieving Health Equity in a World of Data
For more information and to join us live, or to watch a replay, visit
Trans/Medicine Workshop
Medicine and medical understandings have played prominent and problematic features in framing transgender historiography. Often, the critical role of trans people in shaping and contesting medical knowledge and practices has been overlooked. In this workshop, we propose to turn the question around and ask what transgender history says about the history of medicine. How can […]

VERDANT MEDICINE: Hildegard’s Resonant Apothecary
VERDANT MEDICINE: HIlDEGARD\’S RESONANT APOTHECARY, a livestream concert by medieval ensemble Alkemie and a roundtable conversation on the medicinal use of plants by composer, abbess, and apothecary Hildegard of Bingen.Register by Apr. 22 to receive mailed \”intersensory program cards\”!
Symposium: Medical Humanities in Policy and Practice
Mergenthaler 111, Homewood Campus in collaboration with the Concentration on Medicine, Science, & Humanities
Media & Monsters: Two Centuries of Frankensteins
Parkway Theatre In collaboration with the Alexander Grass Humanities Institute For more information, or higher resolution, see the pdf.
Indigenous Environments & the Anthropocene
(click for more details) Title: Indigenous Environments & the Anthropocene What: a symposium and roundtable discussion Who: Featuring Candis Calison of University of British Columbia, Timothy Neale of Alfred Deakin Institute, & Zoe Todd of Carleton University When: Monday, April 8, 2019 Where: 3rd Floor, Welch Library Building, 1900 East Monument Street, 21205