A year-long celebration of reading
One Health Care Community One
Book proposes to engage members of Johns Hopkins Medicine in a year-long celebration of reading and discussing one story.
“Fidelity,” our inaugural year 2019-2020
“Fidelity,” by Wendell Berry, award-winning author of the National Humanities Medal, is a beautifully written story about the struggle of a family in a rural farming community to cope with medical care provided to a relative at the end of life.
Sponsored by AfterWards: An Interprofessional Program in Narrative Medicine, the Center for Medical Humanities and Social Medicine, and the Program for the Arts, Humanities, and Health
Research shows that narrative medicine
- enhances empathy and reflection
- promotes personal and professional growth
- fosters holistic care and compassion
- builds community across the health care professions
- promotes self-care
Throughout the year, members of the Hopkins health care community will have opportunities to engage with “Fidelity” through
- keynote address
- book conversations
- book talks
- other arts presentations
Practically everywhere throughout Johns Hopkins Medicine!
For more information, contact
Lauren Small lsmall2@jhmi.edu
Jeremy Greene jgree115@jhmi.edu
Start a conversation. You are warmly invited to read and discuss “Fidelity” with a group of your friends or colleagues anytime and anywhere you like. Download a discussion guide here or contact us to arrange for a facilitator. Contact onebook@jhu.edu for more information. Refreshments provided.
· Hear a book talk. RSVP’s are requested but not required. Contact onebook@jhu.edu for more information.
· Attend a cultural event. RSVP’s are requested but not required. Contact onebook@jhu.edu for more information.
Get Started
Download “Fidelity” by clicking on image below and begin reading now!
Copies also available at the Bayview Harrison Medical Library and the Welch Medical Library.
You are invited
- to a talk by Dr. Margaret Chisolm of the Department of Psychiatry, titled “Living the good life: lessons from Wendell Berry’s Fidelity,” on January 24 at 12:15 pm, in the Eudowood Room, on the 8th floor of the Children’s Center.
- to a book talk by Dr. Brian Volck, titled “Reading Wendell Berry in Honduras: the neglected role of love in community health,” date and time TBA.
No upcoming events