Guilderton Meditation
by Elizabeth Walmsley
I stood on the shores and looked out at the waves,
turned back to the river and the peace it gave
I chose the river, with its quiet strength
I knew it could renew me through its pure depths
I remembered the teaching of how to do it
Relaxed, closed my eyes, as my mind walked through it.
Took my first step and the water touched my toes—
I stopped and waited—kept my eyes closed
Slowly take a deep breath in
The river showed me where to begin
Breathe out and feel the water as it slept
sink into the healing peace of the depths
I slowly moved my feet further in
Every inch another pause, then move further in
The meditation is designed to slow you down
and close your eyes, acclimatize without moving around
Don’t move until you can’t feel the cold.
“Inch in slowly,” is what I was told.
Gradually you will get halfway—
but don’t open your eyes, just relax and say:
“Slowly take a deep breath in.
The river showed me where to begin.
Breathe out and feel the water as it slept
Sink into the healing peace of the depths.”
Stand in the water, relax and smile,
keeping your eyes closed all the while.
I chose the river over the sea,
but perhaps, in its wisdom, it chose me.