Cat, Cicadas, Breath
by Dorothea Biba Naouai
The old, yellow cat
Keeps vigil
Behind my right hip
As I wrestle
With my mind
In the early hours
Her juicy purring
Mingles with the trill
Of late summer cicadas,
Deep in the garden
And with the steady
Breathing of
My sleeping mate
This new phase
In our long life together
Has a quality of
Of large muscle,
Stretched to capacity
Nothing like
The quick scalding
Of arguments over
Home repair
Or recalcitrant children
That punctuated
Our earlier years,
Each now struggles
Filigree wings, jeweled
And yearning to pulse,
Press against too small
Craquelure chrysalides
We hold hands during the day
And interlace our legs at night;
Are you ok?
Are we ok?
We have been here before
In another iteration
Let this love
Which has long
So many so well
Come through the
Dark passage,
Fortified yet lighter,
Free of the tics and spasms
Of the household’s
My breath joins in
The early morning mantra
Choir of beasts;
And again