Critical Pedagogies of Health and Society
Roy Ziegelstein
Roy Ziegelstein, MD, is the Vice Dean for Education at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the Vice Chair of Humanism in the Department of Medicine at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center. He is the Sarah Miller Coulson and Frank L. Coulson, Jr., Professor of Medicine, and the Mary Wallace Stanton Professor of Education. […]
Lakshmi Krishnan
Lakshmi Krishnan earned her MD from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and her DPhil (PhD.) in English Literature from the University of Oxford, where she was a Rhodes Scholar. Her dissertation was on the transgressive poetics and prose practices of Victorian poet A.C. Swinburne and his relationship to genre. She completed a residency […]
Carolyn Sufrin, Associate Director
Carolyn Sufrin, MD, PhD, is a medical anthropologist and Ob/Gyn at Johns Hopkins University. She has worked extensively on reproductive health issues affecting incarcerated women, from providing clinical care in jail, to research, policy, and advocacy. Her work is situated at the intersection of reproductive justice, health care, and mass incarceration. Her recent book, Jailcare: […]
Sabine Baier
Sabine Baier earned her PhD in philosophy of science from the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zurich) at the chair for philosophy. Her dissertation “Feuerphilosophen – Alchemie und das Streben nach dem Neuen” (“Philosophers of Fire. Alchemy and the Strive for the New”, published 2015) reflects from a philosophical perspective on the nature […]
Heidi Morefield
Heidi’s dissertation, “Developing to Scale: Appropriate Technology and the Making of Global Health,” brings together the histories of technology, medicine, public health, and capitalism to explore the appropriate technology movement in transnational American foreign aid and its impacts in southern Africa. She holds a BA in International Development from McGill University and an MSc in […]
Robert Wiley
Bob Wiley is interested in what processes and knowledge are essential to becoming an ‘expert’ in a particular domain, how is new knowledge represented in the mind/brain, and how does it interact with pre-existing knowledge. To approach these questions, Bob uses both behavioral and neuroimaging research methods in conjunction with statistical models. Bob comes from a background […]
Jeremy Greene, Director
Jeremy A. Greene, MD, PhD, is a Professor of Medicine and the History of Medicine and holds the Elizabeth A. Treide and A. McGehee Harvey Chair in the History of Medicine at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine; his most recent book, Generic: The Unbranding of Modern Medicines, was published by Johns Hopkins University Press. Greene’s first […]