January 27, 2025

6:00pm – 7:30pm

The spring semester kick-off meeting for the STS+MH Hub (formerly Collective Scholarship Working Group) will be Monday 1/27 from 6-7:30pm in Mergenthaler 266 on the Homewood campus. Dinner and drinks will be served. Please join us to celebrate a return to campus and plan for the semester ahead!

The STS+MH Hub is a collegial biweekly gathering for emerging scholars (graduate students, postdocs, early-career faculty, etc) to share their work and research. Our aim is to encourage institutional community around scholarship in Science and Technology Studies (STS) and Medical/Health Humanities (MH), as well as allied disciplines. The Hub is co-sponsored by the Center for Medical Humanities and Social Medicine and the Program in Medicine, Science, and the Humanities.