Jacek Mostwin

Jacek Mostwin, MD, D.Phil  is  Professor of Urology with expertise in pelvic surgery and lower urinary tract function, at Hopkins since 1978; full time active faculty since 1985. He directed an NIH sponsored laboratory on bladder function for seven years. Since then he has been active in medical ethics and education with special focus on the personal and social dimensions of medicine. In 2004 he completed an MFA in photography related to religious pilgrimage of the sick. He is a member of the International Medical Committee of Lourdes. In 2005, he became director of the Hopkins medical school course Patient, Physician and Society until the new curriculum, Genes to Society, was implemented. He was co-chairman of the hospital Ethics Committee from 2006-2012. He teaches the introduction to medical ethics for the medical school. From 2008-2009 he was a Harvard Macy scholar and serves on the faculty of the Harvard Macy Program for Medical Educators. From 2014 to 2016 he was a visiting scholar at the Oxford Centre for Life Writing at Wolfson College, Oxford. In 2016 he joined the affiliate faculty at the Berman Institute of Ethics to pursue research on biography and memoir in patients and practitioners.